Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the heart of the matter

Here is a traditional scottish bagpiper. I stood and watched him for a long while silently praying for a hearty gust of wind but alas my prayers were not answered...sigh.

Here on the street below me I noticed an interesting relic in the cobblestone street that passers by would carefully walk around so they would not step on it . However, what most people did do is take aim and spit a huge loogie towards its center. I was pretty grossed out and determined to find out what this tradition was all about!
It was during a walking tour of the city that the mystery was finally solved. They call it the "Heart of Midlothian" and legend has it that this very spot is where the tax man set up his booth so the average citizen could line up and get shafted by the government. If you did not have the dough to pay your taxes you were shackled to the village square and just taunted if you were lucky. When times changed and the small area was torn down, they placed this as a reminder of times that were not so great and that is why the locals "pay their respect" to it as they walk by. It is not a joke when they say it is the filthiest place in all of Scotland.

One funny story our guide told us was one day, they witnessed a young tourist on his knees in the center of the heart proposing to his lovely girlfriend as everyone around either cringed or yelled "Ewe Gross!" That couple probably left Scotland thinking that romance is dead here.. If only they had did a little homework before they arrived!

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Edinburgh Castle

Now where was I? Oh yes, I was sharing my adventures in Scotland with everyone and I was distracted by other crazy events that I will tell you about later.
Here is the outside of Edinburgh castle. Don't you just love that statue of the knight? He reminds me of the dark knight in Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail! This castle was the most amazing place to visit. I spent most of the day there wandering everywhere with the audio tour guiding me via my rented headphones. That rocked! If you ever get the chance to visit here, be sure to save some time to see this place. The history of this castle will blow your mind. More pics later for your viewing pleasure so don't worry.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Edinburgh at last!

My train arrived at Waverly Station after about 4 hours like I mentioned earlier. It was a wonderful, comfortable and scenic ride that I highly recommend to everybody.

I was feeling energetic and excited to finally be in the land of Sean Connery and Braveheart so I decided to forego a taxi and just pull my suitcase and walk to the hotel. How hard could it be right? If given the chance for a do over, I would go a different route.. a route that is not up a steep hill that seems to go on forever. My suitcase began to feel like I was dragging a car by the time I got to my hotel. I was drenched in sweat, breathing hard and red-faced as I walked into the lobby and I would not have blamed the young fresh-faced girl behind the counter if she called an ambulance or security as she looked my way. I know, I am out of shape! Oh well, I made it alive and that is what counts. Look at how awesome this city is so far!
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Wedding Bells are ringing

I interrupt this blog to bring you an update! I know I should have been bringing you all up to date on my travels through Europe but I have been very busy with other matters since I returned home. My son Nate got married 6 June to his sweetheart (since high school) Kristi. Here is a pic I took of the new married couple as proof. Now I should be able to get my thoughts back on track and finish my travel blog as promised.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scotland at last!

The train ride was only about 4 hours and what a beautiful ride indeed. The speed of the train prevented me from taking pics that weren't blurry but rest assured, I did manage to take some nice video that I plan to upload soon as I can get these photos samples loaded for you all. Of course, I am only trying to share the best sample of photos I can spare for now. Perhaps more later on..

But I digress! Here are photos of the lovely hotel I stayed in. The outside looks so true to the town's history but once you go inside you notice how modern everything is. The Hotel is the SAS Radisson in case you are in the area and looking for a good hotel.

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Ticket to Hogwarts please..

This is found at Kings Cross station in England. This is the only train station where you can catch the train for Edinburgh. Notice the fun tribute they have to Harry Potter ? Yeah, it is a tiny bit corny but important none the less. This is for you Potter fans out there to enjoy. You're welcome!

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Hugh don't say!

Did mention how much I enjoyed London? It was so nice to see Hugh Jackman here.

By the way, I must apologize for not posting any pics until now. I had some major internet challenges once I left for Scotland and then again once back in London again. I will continue to post my pics for you all but the dates will obviously be misleading.

Thanks for understanding!
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